U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Introduces Legislation to Protect Rights of Disabled Airplane Passengers

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) today was joined by Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), Maggie Hassan (D-NH) and Ed Markey (D-MA) to introduce the Air Carrier Access Amendments Act. The legislation would protect the rights of disabled airplane passengers and close service gaps that passengers with disabilities frequently encounter in air travel. Last year over 30,000 airplane passengers, including many disabled veterans, filed disability related complaints with airlines.

The Air Carrier Access Amendments Act will:

  • Strengthen ACAA enforcement to include specific protections of the rights of passengers with disabilities and a private right of action.
  • Ensure airplanes are designed to accommodate people with disabilities and airlines meet accessibility standards, including safe and effective boarding and deplaning, visually accessible announcements and better stowage options for assistive devices.
  • Improve access to seating accommodations.
  • Close service gaps in air travel for passengers with disabilities.

A one-page summary of the Air Carrier Access Amendments Act is available here.

Woman in wheelchair dropped by airport employee on United Airlines flight, suffers serious injury: lawsuit

A wheelchair-using woman was dropped by an unidentified Air Serv employee while transferring onto a plane at Houston airport. She suffered injuries to her shoulder that still persist, which have limited her use of her arms and her independence. And to add insult to injury, United Airlines also damaged her wheelchair. But at least she didn’t get dragged off the airplane, so I guess that’s progress!

Read the rest at: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/woman-confined-wheelchair-dropped-united-flight-lawsuit-article-1.3228429

Frontier Airlines refused to allow blind man and granddaughter on plane at Tampa airport

Frontier Airlines prevented a blind man and his granddaughter from boarding their flight to Las Vegas because they didn’t think he was capable of taking care of her during the flight. They have since apologized and rescheduled him for another flight.

I have to wonder how they think he managed to acquire a granddaughter, if he had been incapable of taking care of her parent in the first place?

Click through to read the whole story and see a picture of the very cute granddaughter in question: http://www.tampabay.com/news/business/airlines/frontier-airlines-refused-to-allow-blind-man-and-granddaughter-on-plane-at/2325975

American Airlines Called Cops on Double Amputee After Forgetting His Wheelchair, Lawsuit Says

In August of 2016, American Airlines had the cops arrest a double amputee and remove him from his flight, saying that he was drunk and belligerent. What did he do to cause such trouble? He hobbled down the aisle asking two flight attendants for water to take his pain medication with, since they had failed to have a wheelchair available for his use.

Read the whole story at http://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/american-airlines-called-cops-on-double-amputee-after-forgetting-his-a-wheelchair-lawsuit-says-9383726

Businessman’s relief as he wins legal fight with British Airways after wheelchair lost and broken

An Irish businessman represented himself in court against British Airways after they lost and broke his wheelchair into pieces, and won. He refused their offer of a financial settlement but got them to admit responsibility.

Read more at: http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/northern-ireland/ni-businessmans-relief-as-he-wins-legal-fight-with-airline-giant-british-airways-after-wheelchair-lost-and-broken-35664979.html